

Posted by Claire Morazzano on 3rd Dec 2014

Saana ja Olli are widely considered a design couple to be watching right now. They have won awards which commend their textile designs (2012 Best Textile Product of the Year, 2009 Young Entrepreneur of the Year). They met in 2014 at a music festival in a forest in Finland and started dating and studying textiles together. The company Saana ja Olli was created in 2008 when they started to draw the designs whilst in a secluded cottage in the forest of Southern Finland. They were met with such positive feedback they decided to continue working together.

Since graduating in 2011, they have released several collections. They are environmentally conscious, working only with 100% hemp textiles, as they wish to ensure their children and grandchildren can live in a biodiverse world. Their philosophy is to bring customers high quality, function and timeless products, which are sustainable and produced locally. At present their hemp is purchased in Romania and Hungary, due to the superior quality, but the whole production process takes place in Finland, including printing, sewing and packaging.

Saana ja Olli use hemp foe numerous reasons, as it requires no synthetic fertilizers, irrigation or herbicides. It gives twice the amount of crop than cotton or linen. It also turns carbon dioxide into oxygen more effectively than other plants, therefore helping counteract global warming. It has a positive effect on soil as it improves the soil quality and with it’s root helps fight erosion. There is minimal treatment in European hemp, meaning it produces longer and more durable fibres.

Saana ja Olli textile designs are beautifully designed and such good quality, we are thrilled to be able to bring you these talented designers at Luumo Design.

To discover the full range of Saana ja Ollii SEE HERE

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